sketch by me Even if you have no idea what the word 'proxemics' means, I'm sure you know what it feels like to have you personal space invaded. This is what proxemics studies; the differences between intimate space, personal space, social space and public space. For the sake of the design blog however, we're only going to focus on the last three. Your personal space is any space within 18"- 48" from your body. Often referred to as "your bubble". The only people you want in this space would probably be a significant other, so long as they aren't on your nerves. Am I right? When it comes to design, there are multiple ways to define a personal space, like a spot to study, (Is there anything quite like studying on your own and having some random come up and purposefully sit way too close to you and try to spark up conversation? Not exactly how you wanted your day to go was it.) or publicly nap, like in an airport. Having defined...